Dear Chik, What To Do About My Wallet?

Dear Chik, What To Do About My Wallet?
Photo by Marko Blažević / Unsplash

M, a Lived Experience member, wrote in, asking about his dilemma with his wallet. He asked that I address his question here, so I'll start with his question:

For style and other reasons, I tend to wear slim pants or jeans even though I’m not slim. I relocated my wallet from back pocket to front pocket. But it was a slim wallet with only my credit card and driver’s license, never any cash. Back in [the other country], I realized that I needed a more functional wallet, so one day I bought a beefier zippered wallet, even has a coin pouch which I abhor. So now I have a new dilemma… I have two bulges… big f’ing iPhone in my left front pocket, big fat wallet in my front right pocket. Even if I did look good in my skinny jeans… what to do about the bulges, how can I walk confidently? Is it all a big faux pas?